Friday, November 2, 2018

Press Release 11-2-18

Lenny Ladner independent candidate for 

Congress in Tennessee's Seventh Congressional 

district. Today called for the abolishment of the 

Federal Election Commission and the

United States Department of Education.

Ladner is the only candidate in the race that 

wants to abolish useless government agencies. 

Ladner added, the Federal Election Commission 

keeps ordinary people like me from running for 

office while making me comply with useless

regulations and paper work. 

The Constitution grants the government zero 

authority in the field of education.

Education should be a local issue and the federal 

government should stay out of education.

My opponents Green and Kanew have refused 

to discuss real issues they are only interested 

in party hacks and catering to special interests.

Ladner a self employed trucker is the only 

candidate in the race that has pledged when 

elected he will judge every bill by 

asking a question: 

If this bill passes will it increase the size, 

cost, reach and power of the government?

if any of those conditions are met then I will 

Vote No on that bill because we have too much 

government now! 

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