Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Press Release 10-31-18

Lenny Ladner independent candidate for 

Congress in Tennessee's Seventh Congressional

district said today.

Government is the problem and 

not the solution.

Ladner added, as the only candidate that wants a 

government small enough to fit inside 

the constitution, and as the only candidate 

that is not trying to buy a seat in Congress.

I offer the people a clear cut choice between a 

Rino Republican and a Liberal Democrat.

Green and Kanew represent both sides of the 

same coin, neither will represent the people and 

both will answer to special interests and their 

party bosses. Both want more spending 

and more government.

Ladner has stated if elected, he will

oppose any bill that increases the size, cost, 

reach and power of the government. 


Ladner is an independent trucker, not a politician.

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