Saturday, August 11, 2012

Open Letter To Mark Clayton


Congratulations on winning the Democratic Party’s primary for the US Senate in Tennessee.

Now if you want to beat Bob Corker you have to give the people a reason to vote for you that he and the other opponents can’t stand on. 

Mark, this is a real simple deal and you can do it. 

Tell the people that you will look at these bills that are being proposed and you are going to ask a question on each and every one of these bills.  That question is rather simple and it is,

“If this bill passes and becomes law will it increase the size, cost, extend the reach and power of the government?”

If said bill does any of those things you will VOTE NO for those reasons.

If you do this you will DESTROY Bob Corker.  You might even win the election.

Best of luck and VOTE NO on any bill that increases the size, cost, extends the reach and power of the government.

Lenny Ladner

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