Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fix The Fed????

You know Ron Paul has an interesting idea.  Audit the Federal Reserve.
Now I’m in favor of this but if you really want to fix the problem we must go deeper.

Essentially what the Federal Reserve does is provide money for the government to use.

Each and every year the House of Representatives spends more money than it takes in.
The House of Representatives has two committees, Appropriations, which figures out how much of your hard earned money these unconstitutional police state Federal Agencies will get. 
And the Ways and Means committee.  They find ways and means of raising the money that the Appropriations committee wants.

As usual The Appropriations Committee appropriates more money for next year’s budget than it did last year.  The Ways and Means Committee has to find the money.

The can do this one of three ways.
One raise taxes. 
Two borrow more money on the credit of the United States of America
Three authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to print more money.

Now Step three is where the Federal Reserve comes in.  The Secretary of the Treasury walks across the street to the Federal Reserve and asks for permission to print more money.  For that permission he has to give the Federal Reserve collateral in the form of Treasury Securities.  You know, Treasury Bonds, Notes, & Bills.

The bankers are loaning the Federal Government credit.  They are getting the interest, without putting up any real money.  By holding the Treasury Bills, Notes, Bonds they have a mortgage on our beloved United States.  The citizens of these United States are on the hook for the interest and the principal.

Now if you understand that the Federal Budget grows each and every year I have a solution.

What would happen in the fiscal year of 2014 if the House of Representatives funds the Federal Government at 2012 levels?  The budget will go down.  The amount of money the Federal Government will have to print would be less. 
The way that the budget cuts will be made is the following.  Excepting entitlements all increases in each and every Federal Agency made after 2012 will be eliminated.

Simple enough.

What would happen in the fiscal year of 2015 if the House of Representatives funds the Federal Government at 2011 levels?  The budget will go down.  The amount of money the Federal Government will have to print would be less. 
The way that the budget cuts will be made is the following.  Excepting entitlements all increases in each and every Federal Agency made after 2011 will be eliminated.

What would happen in the fiscal year of 2016 if the House of Representatives funds the Federal Government at 2010 levels?  The budget will go down.  The amount of money the Federal Government will have to print would be less. 
The way that the budget cuts will be made is the following.  Excepting entitlements all increases in each and every Federal Agency made after 2010 will be eliminated.

You keep this process going long enough the Federal Government will not have to print any more money.  If you leave tax levels where they are now you will eventually have a situation where the revenue remains the same the budget goes down and the Federal Government is paying off the bonds.

This fellow Americans will totally Kill the Federal Reserve and restore freedom and liberty to the land.

Remember if the Federal Government doesn’t need to print any more money the Federal Reserve can’t inflate the currency and collect interest on money that they didn’t have to lend in the first place so the bankers can’t enslave US with debt.

If the budget for all these Federal Agencies is cut. Their rules, regulations, codes, standards and guidelines which are shackling each and every American.
Vanish…  Imagine what life would be like to a gun owner if the ATF were defunded.

Auditing the Fed is fine.  Killing the snake is much better.

Ladies and Gentlemen we can do this.  I need your help to get this done.

Please visit my website,
If you don’t live in Tennessee you can still help by spreading the word,

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