Sunday, October 14, 2018

Press Release 10-3-18

Lenny Ladner independent candidate for 

Congress in Tennessees Seventh Congressional 

district, said today, he is the only candidate in 

the race that represents the values of the

majority of voters of the seventh district.

I have one opponent who if elected would

represent Hollywood and the elite liberal 

establishment and I have one opponent who 

if elected would be a rubber stamp for the 

establishment in Washington.

Both establishment candidates who vote

against the best interests of the average 

citizen in the seventh district.

Ladner said and added I will not be a rubber 

stamp for anyone.  

I will vote my convictions.

I will judge any piece of legislation based on 

will it increase the size, cost, reach and 

power of the government.

If any of those conditions are met then

I will VOTE NO because we have too much

government now.

Ladner a self employed trucker said he was 

also the only candidate in the race with main 

street values and a commitment to have a 

government which governs within the confines 

of the constitution.

Both of my opponents want to play politics 

and give the people more of the same big 

government and more debt.

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