Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Speech The Establishment Didn't Want Heard.

I was going to give this speech to the Clarksville, Montgomery County, TN Economic Development Council's Candidate forum that was held on August 31, 2016.

Yvonne Pickering sent me an email cancelling my appearance on 8/29.

I wonder why?

Do you want to know something.

You can vote your way into slavery.

But you can't vote your way out.

The German's proved that, they elected a man in the 1930's who promised to use government to solve their problems.

He gave them more government

more government

more government

Until they had total government.

At just about the same time.

People of the same mentality proposed more government to solve our problems.

It was called The New Deal.

It is still in operation and the people knowingly or unknowingly working to destroy this country are advocating more government to solve all of our problems.

Which they themselves have made.

So in this election.

Listen carefully to the proposals made by candidates to solve problems.

And if the proposal no matter how cleverly disguised, calls for an increase in the size, cost, reach and power of government.

Cross that candidate off your list.

Find a candidate who will VOTE NO on anything and everything which would increase the size cost, reach and power of government.

My pledge to you is that if I'm elected.

I will VOTE NO  on any bill which would increase the size, cost, reach and power
of government.

And I will get my fellow congressmen to do the same thing.

You and I have to stop this march toward a dictatorship.

No one else is going to do it.

If we don't get it done.

It won't be done.

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