While I was getting loaded in Alexandria, MN today
I saw the following headline in the Star Tribune.
"House OK's Gun Ban For Certain Offenders."
Of course they haven't been tried or convicted of any crime.
My response to the article.
Now I would like to know who introduced that bill?
Who really wrote that bill???
Transparent Government
Now this bill passed the Minnesota State Legislature by a vote of 111 for and 5 against.
Maybe we should ask some of the Yea's two questions.
Question one. Who wrote that bill?
Question two. If we give up our guns what are we going to do to protect
us from the government?
The following people were quoted in the Star's article as being in favor of taking away the Second Amendment of "certain" citizens.
Maybe we need to contact them.
Dan Schoen
David Dill
John Ward
Moms Demand action for gun sense thinks disarming the public is a good idea.
My uncompromising stand on the Second Amendment.
Increasing liberty by decreasing government.
Any comments would be appreciated.
If you like what I say, please share it.
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