Saturday, July 7, 2012

Help Justin Amash, Before It's Too Late

Fellow Patriots:

Justin Amash has been single-handedly fighting for our liberties and freedoms.

Let’s give him some support by sending him this letter.

Congressman Justin Amash
114 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC.   20515

Phone (202)  225-3831
Fax     (202) 225-5144

Dear Congressman Amash:

I know that you are alarmed at the continued growth in the
Size, Cost, Reach and Power of the government.

My request of you is quite simple.

In every committee meeting no matter how small, ask the following question;

“If this proposal goes through will it increase the size, cost, reach or power of the government?” 

When the reply to your question is in the affirmative tell the sponsor that you are going to vote no on that bill or proposal for those reasons.

We have too much government now.

If you will do this and keep a tally and use your franking privileges to send a bulletin or a letter detailing the yea’s and nay’s you will go a long way in helping us slow the growth of government.

The only thing I ask other than that, is that you vote no on all of these little increases, the sum total of which make up this massive Federal Budget.

Keep a tally and let me know from month to month what the yeas and nay’s are and I’ll spread the word.

Little drops of water,
Little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean,
And the pleasant land….

Julia Fletcher Carney

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