Thursday, July 26, 2012

Audit The Fed. Did You Win Anything???

Audit The Fed.

So what.  You got this bill passed.  It won’t go through the Senate.  You and I know that the Present-idiot won’t sign it.  So what did you do???


Now if you really want to beat this thing you have to understand how it works.

One our government spends more money than it takes in.

Two to raise the extra revenue it can increase taxes, issue bonds to borrow more money or print more money.

Three in order to print more money the government has the printing presses, ink and paper but they need to get the Federal Reserve Bank’s permission to print more currency.

Four  The Federal Reserve Bank will extend credit to the Federal Government in return for getting a mortgage on the nations assets and people.  That mortgage is in the form of US Treasury Bonds.  And guess what my fellow AMERICAN.  You are part of that bonded debt. 
The IRS says so.  hahahah

Five the Federal Reserve is getting INTEREST ON THE BONDS.  They haven’t loaned any money.

Six, get it this is a gigantic scam and the Audit the Fed Bill does nothing.

If you want to get something done we must cut the Federal Government’s spending.
The way to do this is to cut spending in the reverse fashion that it was increased.
For example in the next fiscal year 2014 the Federal Government’s budget will be the same as it was in 2012.  All of the increases from 2012 will be eliminated.

In the next fiscal year 2015 the Federal Government’s budget will be the same as it was in 2011.  All of the increases from 2011 will be eliminated.

In the next fiscal year 2016 the Federal Government’s budget will be the same as it was in 2010.  All of the increases from 2010 will be eliminated.

In the next fiscal year 2017 the Federal Government’s budget will be the same as it was in 2009.  All of the increases from 2009 will be eliminated.

In the next fiscal year 2018 the Federal Government’s budget will be the same as it was in 2008.  All of the increases from 2008 will be eliminated.

Now what we have done is cut the Federal Government back in size, cost, reach and power by a gradual basis.  The Federal Government will be in a position where it will not have to print any more money.  And will not have to ask a criminal gang of international bankers for permission to do so.  In a few more years of this the Federal Government will be able to pay off its existing bonds.

In this plan the taxes are left at 2012 levels and NO ENTITLEMENT PROGRAMS ARE TOUCHED.

How do you like it now?

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