Friday, September 14, 2012

This Presidential Election is a Pretty Neat Trick

Whenever a new presidential administration comes into power.

Within the first year they are immediately confronted with some sort of a major problem.

If you go back into history, say to 1901 you will see these major problems pop up.

The solution proposed by the advisors to the current president is to increase the power of the executive branch.

More agencies, more bureaucracies, more executive orders.
Say wasn’t EPA, Department of Energy and FEMA created with a stroke of the pen????

You know, increase the size, cost, and extend the reach and power of the government.

When have you seen a new presidential administration cut back on the powers from the previous administration????

The new administration has inherited the powers that the former administration gave itself.

The former administration inherited the powers that the administration before it gave itself.

They take the power that they acquired and add to it so that the next administration is even more powerful.

Truman took the powers that Roosevelt gave to himself and added to it.
Eisenhower took the powers that Truman inherited and added to it.
Kennedy took the powers that Eisenhower had and added to it.
Johnson took the powers that Kennedy had and added to it.
Nixon took the powers that Johnson had and added to it.
Ford took the powers that Nixon had and added to it.
Carter took the powers that Ford had and added to it.
Reagan took the powers that Carter had and added to it.

Bush took the powers that Regan had and added to it.
Clinton took the powers that Bush had and added to it.
Bush Jr. took the powers that Clinton had and added to it.
Obama took the powers that Bush had and added to it.

Now you got this clown...

Can you imagine what the next occupant of the White House will do?

Ain’t that interesting?????

That’s the whole thing with “Pretty Neat Trick.”

You keep building up the Executive Branch of our government.
More power, more power and soon (I think we have passed that point)
We will have a dictatorship.

It's time we elected ordinary people to the House of Representatives who have the brains to ask a question, and that question is, "If this bill becomes law will it increase the size, cost, extend the reach and power of the government?  And if it does VOTE NO."

I will do that.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11/12 Another Perspective

I just got a call from my grandson.  This is a transcript of the call.

Grandson:  "Hey Grandpa.  Why are all the flags at half mast?"

Me:  "Well it is the anniversary of the attacks on 9/11/01 our country was attacked."

Grandson:  "Oh, it was attacked, who attacked it?"

Me:  "Well Al Qaeda You know the Moslems?"

Grandson: " Oh really."

Me:  "In reality September 11, 2001 was the day our country died.  It was killed by a combination of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and their masters, the Rockefellers."

Two buildings in NYC that my neighbors put up were hit by hijacked planes, or so they say.  After that they rammed a bill through the House of Representatives called “The Patriot Act.”  That bill effectively killed the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The Action Is In The Reaction

So you might say that in reality the flags are flying at half mast because our country died.

So you might say that 9/11 was a “Pretty Neat Trick”  

Create a problem; offer a solution which puts more power in your hands and the hands of like minded people.

Now what can we do about it????

One: “We The People” have to understand that it is both political parties that are working against US.  

Two:  The citizens of these United States have to learn to ask a question.  A question that will save these United States.

“If that bill passes will it increase the size, cost; extend the reach and power of the government?”

Three:  Embarrass the Congressman who introduced the “Patriot Act”. 
Ask Mr. James Sensenbrenner if he really wrote "The Patriot Act"?

It’s time we expose the hypocrisy and fraud of 9/11.  We have to destroy the “Patriot Act” before they finish destroying US.

Thought you should know.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

You Can't Fix Stupid!

I saw this sign in Hooks, TX on the side of I 30 heading west.

“You can’t fix stupid but you can vote it out of office.”

Well I got a question for that good American.

When was the last time STUPID was voted out of office?????

Are the policies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt still in force?
Are the policies of Harrison Shipman Truman still in force?
Are the policies of Dwight David Eisenhower still in force?
Are the policies of John Fitzgerald Kennedy still in force?
Are the policies of Lyndon Baines Johnson still in force?
Are the policies of Richard Milhous Nixon still in force?
Are the policies of Gerald Rudolph Ford still in force?
Are the policies of James Earl Carter still in force?
Are the policies of Ronald Wilson Reagan still in force?
Are the policies of George Herbert Walker Bush still in force?
Are the policies of William Jefferson Clinton still in force?
Are the policies of George Walker Bush still in force?

I hate to say it even if Romney gets elected Barack Hussein Obama’s policies will still be in force.

You can’t fix stupid and it seems that Congress won’t cut off the money for it either.

Your problem is CONGRESS.

Pretty neat trick folks.  Create a problem and offer more government as a solution to that problem.

Ask yourself a question.  Are they advocating an increase in the size, cost, extending the reach and power of government????? 

A solution to this problem is to get people like me elected to the House of Representatives who will vote NO on any bill that will increase the size, cost, reach and power of government and then fix stupid by cutting off the funding for these programs in the reverse fashion that they were expanded.   

Thought you should know.